Thursday, March 27, 2008

Flex Interview Questions

A few interview questions on flex,

1. Is it possible to make httpService Requests synchronous?
2. I need to load an image from flickr into my application. Do I need a crossdomain.xml file on flickr?
3. What is the difference between httpService and Data Service?
4. How do you generate random numbers within a given limit with actionscript?
5. Have you built any components with actionscript? If so explain how you did it?
6. How do you implement push on a flex applications?
7.I am going to add images into a tag. How will it resize itself?
8. What is a resource Manager??
9.What are the similarities between java and flex
10. What is the dynamic keyword used for?
11.How do you implement push with flex data services?
12. What are the methods called when a UI component is intialized?
13. How do you implement drag and drop on components that do not support ondrag and ondrop?
14.Can you write to the file system from flex?
15. What is a drag manager?
16 . HOw do you call javascript from Flex?
17. How do you use a repeater?
18. what are three ways to skin a component in flex?
19. How do you use css styles in flex?
20. What is the difference between sealed class and dynamic classes?
21.what is MVC and how do you relate it to flex apps?
22.what is state? what is the difference between states and ViewStack? does item renderer work? How do I add item renderer at runtime?
24.what keyword allows you to refer to private variables of a class? polymorphism works on actionscript? do you overload functions in actionscript?
27.what is dynamic keyword used for?
28.what are sealed classes ?
29 what are runtime shared libraries?
30.What is caringhorm ? how do you use it?Have you worked with Cairnghorn?
31.What keyword allows you to implement abstraction better?
32.What design patterns have you used? in Actionscript and java?

Try to get answers for these.
You can be me :-)


Brijesh said...

Hey Vengu,

Thanks a lot for sharing these questions.

It will definitely help to brush our knowledge in flex before appearning for an interview or certification.

Anonymous said...

good one


Anonymous said...

Hi Venkatesh,

you did a good job.It's very useful for preparing for an interview.

If you have answers for these questions,please share with us.


Anonymous said...

Answers or pointers/links to answers would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Answer to Q's 10 and 20:
Dynamic and sealed classes:
A dynamic class defines an object that can be altered at run time by adding or changing properties and methods. A class that is not dynamic, such as the String class, is a sealed class. You cannot add properties or methods to a sealed class at run time.

You create dynamic classes by using the dynamic attribute when you declare a class.

More on Sealed Classes:

ActionScript 3.0 introduced the concept of sealed classes. A sealed class possesses only the fixed set of properties and methods that were defined at compile time; additional properties and methods cannot be added. This enables stricter compile-time checking, resulting in more robust programs. It also improves memory usage by not requiring an internal hash table for each object instance. Dynamic classes are also possible using the dynamic keyword.

All classes in ActionScript 3.0 are sealed by default, but can be declared to be dynamic with the dynamic keyword.

Anonymous said...

Answer to Q 4:
Math.random() returns a pseudo-random number n, where 0 <= n < 1. You need to map that to the range you are interested in. Say you have lowerLimit and upperLimit as the range definition, all Number types. Then:
var myRandom:Number= Math.random()*(upperLimit - lowerLimit) + lowerLimit;

(Note: To convert upperLimitAsString from string to Number, convert as Number(upperLimitAsString)).

Anonymous said...

Answer to Q 25: Polymorphism

Polymorphism is the ability to use a single method name for a method that behaves differently when applied to different data types. Inheritance enables polymorphism by allowing subclasses to inherit and redefine, or override, methods from the base class.

Overriding methods:
Static methods are not inherited and cannot be overridden. Instance methods, however, are inherited by subclasses and can be overridden as long as the following two criteria are met:

i. The instance method is not declared with the final keyword in the base class. When used with an instance method, the final keyword indicates the programmer's intent to prevent subclasses from overriding the method.
ii.The instance method is not declared with the private access control specifier in the base class. If a method is marked as private in the base class, there is no need to use the override keyword when defining an identically named method in the subclass, because the base class method will not be visible to the subclass.

- gans - said...

Thanks for the good job.

Answer to 16


rambabu k said...

U did good job. These Question are useful for preparing interview

Venkat said...

Very nice collection of questions, its not just for interview point of view but its also good pointers on what we need to learn in flex for practical purpose.

NIsha said...
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Anonymous said...

Same Questions with Answers too :